@jussipekonen I wonder when the Xcode UI inspector stuff will finally 100% obsolete that.
@jussipekonen I wonder when the Xcode UI inspector stuff will finally 100% obsolete that.
@phoneboy Huh. I feel like LinkedIn is the Land of Random Connection Requests - people I don't know, in response to no discernible real-world actions, pinging me out of the blue. Would be interested in your thinking around that behavior. Mostly, I just ignore it and the whole network, but it could be I'm linking in wrong for how it's developed.
@streakmachine I have TweetBot visible, but forget it's there unless it has a notification, so, same effect.
@phoneboy I still think of it that way. It always seems weird to me when I run into someone posting status updates or whatever there. Like, yeah, you can do it at LinkedIn, but, why? (And then I suspect they are also Google Plus users, because that's a similar sort of social bolt-on.)
/@streakmachine @larand
@joanna 10C: Firefox Edition treats the Reply button as "priming" the New Post button. To reply, click Reply then New Post.
/@matigo @thrrgilag @indigo
@thrrgilag Which add-on pauses till hover? Does it badge to make it obvious you can hover?
I use one now that plays by default but lets me click a pause button. Stupid blog posts littered with the huggers these days…
/@indigo @joanna
@neilco Hah:
You don’t silo within one eco-system, instead understand and develop across many, from iOS to Android…
Is like:
You don't silo within one part of the alphabet, instead understand and develop across many, from A to C…
@phoneboy Probably related to reposts. https://gitlab.com/jeremy-w/macchiato/issues/116
@matigo If we could take for granted that the _original version fell through to the non-suffixed version, that would be terribly convenient for stuff like "show me the detail view for this image".
/@paulyhedral @dgold