I am continuing on with hacking out a mobile invite UI as a web app on my phone.

Diverted to build my own secure cookies for a bit before I came to my senses and banished that code and just grabbed beaker.

Learning about the new cryptography project was pleasant, though. Bravo on Fernet.

@kdfrawg Which the Western Union time service did a lot to help spread!


Four divisions per person and a couple spares. Every employee has Senior Manager in their title that way. ;)

Regarding dead ebooks, I hear you. I tried keeping notes on the side and it sorted worked but was awkward. Now I'm playing with Notability and rather liking it - finally, I can mark up the pages themselves again! Oddly this makes PDFs better than ePubs and such for my use now.

I never understood why the Kindle's support for displaying my own annotations was so anemic. Don't bury my remarks behind a footnote link - set them like asides right there in the text where I can see them!

@kdfrawg The systems all carry over desktop assumptions, so they assume little more than a keyboard (which sucks on mobile) and limited use of a pointer (change insertion point, click buttons). Drag and drop even is noticeably absent, never mind anything exploiting multitouch.


I wiggle my cultured ears over the rugs of the world.

I've long wondered what a phone-native programming environment would look like. Touch is way under-exploited in every editor I've seen.

// @kdfrawg


I just realized I had no issue filed for name completion, so now I do: https://gitlab.com/jeremy-w/macchiato/issues/114


The problem is it's like a superset of about five languages, and every codebase picks a different flavor of C++. Then you get funky layers of style to go with the different standards, and Boost is kinda its own little (amazingly well-kitted-out) world, and…

It's a mess but it can be effective, and it hasn't had much competition till recently with Rust.

// @kdfrawg