@streakmachine spamgourmet.com and mailinator.com (formerly spam.la) are handy services.
@matigo That sounds like a headache both for billing and choosing what to pay for.
// @sumudu
@bazbt3 That's a very classic layout, to enter into a foyer with all exits closed by doors, and to have all bedrooms on the upper storey.
// @jmreekes
@jmreekes Ooh, two covered porches! And I'm jealous – the only CAD floorplan that exists of my house is the one I made myself. ?
// @bazbt3
@bazbt3 In the classic "boy, girl, or squirrel" breakdown, it's looking like the second, but I don't know, them rodents are pretty wily.
@matigo Looking at stream markers [docs.10centuries.org]. What are custom marker types and how do you envision them being used?
Of course, the online tax preparer would be the one that hasn't heard of redirecting to avoid multiply charging a card. You go, early 1990s Internet, you go.
@bazbt3 No, sorry. Scrolling way back is frustrating, and I'm seeing that more as Global continues to pick up. But I've been focusing on profile support lately, then had DMs planned for next. Those are two big things you can't do right now, try as you might, so feel more pressing. DMs are less used I think, but that's maybe also a chicken and egg thing.
Progress has been very sporadic with an under-one-week-old in the house, though.
I want to do state restoration and stream markers after. Also had some ideas for local notifications leveraging background processing for mentions and such last night at like four AM. Those would be a big quality of life improvement.