What native UI is there aside from picking a UI toolkit (gnome, kde, motif, qt, wx, tk, …) and running with it?



No. :\ But there probably should be. 🤔


The default is to push on each commit in Working Copy. Has a handy switch in the Commit dialog that remembers how you last had it.


iVim lets you :w still to save when you want. And Working Copy lets you save by committing to git and pushing to a remote server.


What about GCP, Azure, or DigitalOcean?


Random, but I like how you write your Ws. 😀

What app is that? Day One?



How’d it go? I’ve got a random Windows machine now and am likely to be taking WSL for a spin.


Then the variables for the A4 page time are text block shape, font, font size, and leading. Text is just a pain overall. (Luckily “close enough” is good enough for time estimates.)

(Oh and then there’s the math papers where you spend a week trying to crack a single page… So writing style, technical or crazy-long 19C sentences or 21C newspaper, definitely is a factor.)


TinyCore or Alpine might work but be less weird than Puppy.


It’s a great RSS feed meets slot machine combo if you just read it once a week or so.
