Macchiato continues to support back to iOS 9.3, so you can still use it!

Apple are pretty pushy about keeping devs using the latest toolchain, but they also make it pretty easy to support significantly older devices.

/ because I know she often hangs back a few releases, too. :)

You're welcome!

If the app stops working mysteriously in a few days, the fix is to grab the new one using TestFlight. A new version just went out to Apple and should trickle through beta review soon.

TestFlight apps are only good for like 90 days (which beats the 30 or so they used to last), so even when there's not much changing, a new version still has to go out to keep the app usable.

I hope they fix that soon. I expect macOS updates get picked up a bit slower than iOS, but adoption is still probably pretty rapid.

Yup! Up and running with Xcode 9 and Swift 4.

Would have been done a bit sooner, but certificate issues. Xcode gripes about not having the private key, but you actually have to have both that and the certificate in the keychain before it'll work. And Keychain Access was barfing on importing things for some reason, so, fun times.

New Post: Build 16: Staying Alive []

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3…


Siri is speech rather than voice recognition though. Doesn’t benefit from training, no macros, etc.


What normally pushes me along is a new Xcode dropping support for the old OS. Tends to be like 6 months in, though, so plenty of time for then to work the kinks out.

/ @kdfrawg