@thrrgilag Mostly separate clients for me. But the multi network client thing shows up often enough that a decent crowd must want it.
@matigo It's not doing the right thing. So it's a bug.
I tend to prefer "ticket" or "issue" to avoid categorization that depends on authorial intent and knowledge of project history. Worth remembering you need both to reliably categorize any further.
@phoneboy I think I'm missing something. Is there something wrong there? Or it's unexpectedly launching to Mentions?
@matigo I vaguely recall you can toggle Shift or Symbols and swipe to the desired key, and it'll then untoggle. Basically hold it down and tap in one gesture.
@jextxadore No, but I might start now. Reminds me of avoiding form text areas and using a text editor, then just pasting when done, many years ago.
Bot idea of the day: StackOverflow bot that edits posts containing \", viola," to say ", chamber orchestra,". Alternatively, leaves "viola" and adds a violin emoji after.
@matigo Yes, but how many reliably drive and conduct themselves in the car like they want to avoid accidents?
Another day, another fight to resist opening a meeting with, En taro adun, Executor.