Sometimes it works out, though. This book I bought for like $50 a decade ago is now listed on Amazon for $250. I found out when a co-worker tried to track it down and wound up borrowing my copy. 😆

Edit: But I do love a good public library. One thing I get a lot of mileage out of with my current residence is having access to two decent library districts and, especially now, their e-holdings.


A good home library is a great wealth.


The source is now open at:


Well, I’ve picked a license []. Just need some time to add a README, LICENSE, and push it to GitHub. Perhaps tomorrow, if I can get some time away from chicken coop construction. (Wish the rafters would mark themselves…)


In their defense:

  • Why open them when you’ll just need to shut them again?
  • Why open them in summer when the thermal heating from sunlight would just mean spending more to cool the interior?

I think the rejection is rarely meat-the-texture and more often some impact of how meat is gotten or cared for.

Similarly, rejecting child labor does not mean rejecting all products children might be employed to make, provided they were not, in fact, made by children.


I think Google Translate online might

We’ve got 8 chicks. They arrived about a week and a half ago. They’re inside for now though. The kids each picked and named one, and the adults named the rest.


Fairly certain 100°C would be none to healthy either. ;) The way 0°C works is really nice though - very clear “and now it’s really darn cold” signal.


Sorry. I don’t have the time to maintain it any more. If you wanted to build it for your own use, I could probably work out a way to send you the source to build and install. I wonder if GitLab will let me add a private collaborator without paying them money…

Update: Forgot the repo was at BitBucket. I can have 5 collaborators free it seems. So have space to add you at given your email address.

Update again: I think it looks pretty open sourceable, so probably will relicense and mark public this week. Might also then move to GitHub. It was only at BB because GH did not offer free private repos at the time.
