ah, full slide-out hardware keyboard then? I probably still have one of those from 2008-ish in a drawer.


that definition would make the first iPhone not a smartphone. it launched with “Web apps are good enough for you lot” and only the system apps. 🤔


ooh, fancy. Yeah, that sounds usable. It would be a lot more like how I navigated pre-GPS in practice I expect.



I’m still amazed “feature phones” have all those things. Didn’t pay for Internet browsing back when I had a Razr. 😆 It seems like feature phone now maybe just describes more the hardware options than anything - weaker processor, smaller screen, physical keypad.



i view Postgres as the default choice in the Rails and Elixir communities. And Rails is pretty good at marketing.

sounds like it lacks GPS but can access Google Maps to get old-fashioned ready to print and hand to your navigator route directions



my favorite part is having to identify all the crosswalks/boats/traffic signals every. Single. Time. I log in. I wound up screenshotting all the comps I cared about and working off those. 😔


sometimes keeping windows closed and blinds pulled blocks a lot of heat transmission into the structure. it can also keep out a lot of humidity.

though between air conditioning in summer and heating in winter, seeing someone with windows open near me at any time seems super rare.
