@lechindianer Sounds like it predates the christening of OCaml. I still haven't read the GC book I thought I might need for my thesis. Heh. >,<
@dgold View in WebView post action in Macchiato. URL is like 10centuries.org/post/:id
Like this post: https://10centuries.org/post/136834
@phoneboy If you can do that and it stays usable with 200% enlargement of fonts, it's actually meeting AA accessibility standards:
I know Firefox lets you force a minimum font size for all pages, in addition to per-page zoom settings that it remembers.
@matigo Sleep. Even if it's just lying down in a dark room and you don't make it quite to sleep, it's still restorative.
@caff It's not unusual to have an app grow to where it ends up needing most of what Rails provides anyway, and lots of folks have lots of experience with wrangling it, so I get why people keep choosing it. But it's a lot to bite off for new or casual contributors.
/@hazardwarning @lukasros
@skematica Weird. I've been using Bartender (1 and then 2) for a long while now without any troubles.
@JeremyCherfas Likely 98% lurkers. The actual chunk of the group doing any discussing is way smaller than the membership Facebook reports. Just like all of their friend counts!
@literary Half a No-Doz and a tall glass of water and you'll be fine in no time.
@indigo You can't yet in Macchiato. But it's planned. I'll watch how frequent the need gets and re-prioritize if needed. ;)