@matigo Sleep. It's too important to skip any more than the baby already demands.
@thedan84 What was your TTL before? DNS takes a while to percolate. You can sanity check by sending requests direct to your authoritative name server to see what should percolate throughout the Net eventually.
@thedan84 I pay $5/mo for a VPS at Digital Ocean that lets me host whatever.
I started at DreamHost with their shared hosting option, but it was more limiting (couldn't run an IRC bouncer or other random services IIRC) and also more expensive.
@matigo I notice it always by swiping in on a recent post in a long thread so I can check what it was replying to for context. Once the thread loads from backend (vs what I seeded the thread from using what I had handy in Global), suddenly the selected post and maybe some before it (like the one it was replying to) don't show up, just all the posts up to a point earlier in the conversation.
I'd then go "OK, guess I did something stupid, let's look at the web page for the post" and see the same thing with it cutting off at the same place.
What did you change to fix the public page? Maybe I could do similar in Macchiato depending.
@matigo That's a lot different than what I see. Mostly there seems to be team problem solving and talking through disappointment or negative emotions (Daniel Tiger, Tumble Leaf). Violence, especially with guns as old Ninja Turtles had, is very much absent.
Then there's the huge number of weird, boring, fix-it/assembly shows (Tom the Tow Truck, Tiny Trucks, a few others that seem to have the same narrator). Levitating pieces, yay.
@matigo I also see the issue in Macchiato. It cuts off at the same point as the public page did.
My expectation was that I'd get up to the max count of the newest posts in the thread and could then load older as desired. That doesn't seem to be how it behaves, so, what is your recommendation for how to pull a thread? Does it instead need a Load Newer button to pull the whole thing?
@streakmachine Kernighan and Plauger's Elements of Programming Style is great. To the point unlike say Code Complete or Clean Code. Thinking Forth and Practices of a Problem-Oriented Language will complete the "we have learned so little" historical background. ;)
Other than that, for OOP intro recommend POODR then GOOS and now 99 Bottles. Working Effectively with Legacy Code is a sadly on-point desk reference. The test double testing wiki is also great.
@pamela Yay, vacation! Next week is the last of my parental leave, then it's back to work. Gonna be weird after six weeks away.
@streakmachine Too bad I can't lend you the four books that arrived after I had and then lost that thought. ;)