@kyle Might end up with that. Hoping for something more like the ease of the dishwasher magnet which would let bins flex between duties. Usually the bin that brings them down dirty also brings them up clean. Thought about maybe marked clothes pins…
@kyle We have oodles of dirty clothes thanks to kids. Tend to go a while, then run several loads in succession. Washer and dryer are at far end of an unfinished basement, so laundry comes upstairs to get folded – eventually. And some might be staged for the trip downstairs. And it all looks the same unless it's super-dirty. :\
Headache I've had since last night is finally clearing. Brewing more tea to encourage more liquid consumption.
@nitinkhanna White on white, so minimal and forward-thinking! Or a blank page. One of those. ?
@ranti I should watch the video myself one of these days. I'm awful at actually watching audio or video content. I'm a #textorgtfo kinda person. ?
// @joanna @kdfrawg
@matigo Will you redirect Nice to Cappuccino now? That URL is way easier to aim folks at in some ways.
// @schmidt_fu
@schmidt_fu Excel maxes out at 65536 rows in modern versions, I think.
// @matigo