Next, look up The Mother of All Demos, and wonder what went wrong.

// @kdfrawg

Nowhere, but very slowly, and at great cost.

I didn't expect it to exist. But .se enables so many fun puns. I don't get the attraction of .io.


Oh, open source? That's probably more to do with a self-sustaining community defined by code production crossed with feature creep. I am a fan of this alternative ethos: Finish your stuff []

You got a dev team on staff anyway, and enterprises have so very much more money to spend and are even willing to pay for support, so…

That approach worked for me and my brother. #Anecdata

My experience is the content matters more than the presentation. Easier to make a pretty but useless résumé than a useful ugly one, I think.

Or: Watch out where them Huskies go…


Dude looks to be chilling on an invisible couch.