: BUG: Something wonky in the timezone code between saving and editing content, visible at https://admin.10centuries.org/content/. The post I just made to my blog is showing as published "10 hours ago".

It was "5 hours ago" until I edited it, then it moved even further back in time.

I'm UTC-5 here right now, so I'm guessing it's storing my local time as if it were UTC, which causes it to render it as 5 hours ago, and then I edit it, and it stores that 5-hours-ago as UTC again, which makes it 10 hours ago.

New Post: Build 9: Delete posts [macchiato.10centuries.org]

Speaking of Internet speeds, here's what I got the other day: Gigabit with TPLink wireless n 5GHz - 2 ms 230 down 121 up - Screen Shot 2017-02-16 at 10.26.33.png

I shut off an old router and turned off the 5-GHz band on the ISP's, so my new access point had 5-gig all to itself. Seems to have worked out well. :D

I don't even have that new-fangled wireless ac, this is simply n with my mid-2012 rMBP 15". I'd love to see what something with 802.11ac support could do with this.

GIGO. Bogus HTML currently gets piped through when parsing fails. I'm considering falling back to rendering raw Markdown in that case, because that's generally more readable than the HTML, or at least less verbose.


That's actually a really good question!

I didn't have much luck working the DLL angle, though C++ and intentional ABI compatibility might play in there, so my next thought is to poke at ABI compatibility more specifically, maybe even C ABI on Windows.

What little Windows poking I did was .NET, so I more often saw global assembly cache (ack! GAC!) pain than DLL, and even that wasn't too bad - they learned some things from DLL hell.

Speaking of, using local DLLs (which also learned some things, finally) seems like it would let you distribute a freestanding binary that doesn't take a wild goose chase for DLLs on the part of the recipient…

Not gonna argue with that. Ugly, but functional. :)

Thinking a new build might go out tomorrow. Deleting posts, and + becomes "New Post" in upper right corner.

: API bug confirmed for deleting via /content. One of three approaches to passing the post_id to delete works. It was, of course, the last one I tried.


  • As URL path component /content/ID (403, Invalid API Endpoint)
  • As form URL-encoded body post_id=ID (400, Invalid Post ID)


  • As JSON body {"post_id": "ID"}: 200, yay!

Now 400, "Invalid Post ID". Let's send a JSON body rather than form content!

Same dealy. Let's leave off the post ID from the URL, then.