OK, now sending along post_id as form data, too. Let's see if I can kill this post.
@matigo Looks like maybe an API bug - 403ing trying to delete my own post, and my auth token is definitely still valid (or I couldn't send this).
I'm hitting:
DELETE https://api.10centuries.org/content/115922
And getting back a 403 with an "Invalid API Endpoint" message. But that looks legit per Deleting a post [docs.10centuries.org] docs.
Could you have a look-see?
@nitinkhanna That sounds very annoying. Why didn't the PHP distributor spec requirements better?
This might go some way to explaining why much Windows dev work seems to actually happen in Linux VMs.
@nitinkhanna Neither does Apple. Standing up Homebrew on a fresh machine is "fun."
@thedan84 ? I started Macchiato beta testing back when I was just showing raw Markdown.
@chrisaldrich Welcome! Check out chat.10centuries.org for a nicer social client in your browser. :)
@larand I need more spare time.
Look at this on GitLab Control glc://projects/1869028/issues/4343163
@saket I think of a good chunk of it as, "They play politics, so their team doesn't have to and can spend the time on work instead." Which I guess makes them an organizational firewall of sorts. ;)
// @matigo