Even better: They didn't bother translating the [IMPORTANT] bit. (Both the emails I saw were in Spanish, but not that bit of the subject.)

The wiki had it. Down now, but Archive caught it: https://web.archive.org/web/20140628112434/http://appdotnetwiki.net/w/index.php


I really like GitUp.co on Mac. SourceTree was a pain even to download and set up. :\

@kdfrawg Every taxi I've taken from the Atlanta airport has used one of those ancient card imprint systems with the plate, roller, and carbon paper.

Savvier merchants (retail) will resort to calling to confirm a transaction with the card provider to avoid card fraud when their system goes down. But rando taxis don't work that way, unfortunately.


I think the power tuning was a focus of Yosemite in particular. Safari has changed just a smidge over the last 3 years. :P

// @skematica

On the contrary, Safari is tuned to use less power so as to maximize laptop battery life.
// @skematica

@skematica Safari has been heavily tuned for power consumption. Firefox has not.

I use Firefox mainly, though. Bookmark tagging, tab groups, and the ability to lock everything down with RequestPolicy and NoScript and throw an ad blocker over the top makes it a very comfortable environment for me.

Are API tokens available somewhere?

No. Think "daily update schedule with content that is an image rather than text". Not really photos.