One evening's hacking, and I can at least see Global again. Some old fields are gone, and some new fields are present that I'm not parsing or displaying yet, like post title or any geo info.

Got a lot of TODO and FIXME comments, but I want to be able to read & post before worrying about anything else. And I got the reading done!

I thought benefits were supposed to trickle down. You give all of them to corporations, and they pass some benefits to their serfs, er, employees.

Got a few minutes on Macchiato last night. Working on getting showing Global working to start, even before log-in.

Interesting - looks like my social posts are posted to my default jws.10C site now, vs to global. Guessing global now pulls all requested post types from all sites rather than being a stream itself.

/auth/status seems to return a user record that says it isn’t the logged-in user: data.account.is_you = false.

TestFlight: Utterly useless for crash reporting. Macchiato is dying the moment you try to load a stream just now. (I have a fix, but all it gets you to is a non-crashing dead-end: "you need to log in" on global, and then "unrecognised credentials" when you try, so not worth sharing yet.)

Hopefully I can snag some time tonight after the kids pass out.

My 10Cv4 blog is getting ECONNREFUSED. I can't see any way to get to it or post to it from Social v5, so I can't post an update for Macchiato users about it not working with v5 yet (nor could they see it if I could, I suppose).

Expected fallout? Me not knowing how to use v5? Please advise when you get a chance.

10Cv4 didn't wake up after routine maintenance, and we all woke up in 10Cv5. [] Macchiato hasn't been updated to work against v5 yet.

weirdly, i got a decent bit back. standard deduction jumped and maybe also child tax credit. normally i wind up a wash - getting back about a hundred federal and owing about a hundred state.

i file using the free file stuff at rather than turbotax or similar. (otoh, i also have stupid simple taxes, at least till i have to start withdrawing from retirement funds in a few decades.)


i hope someone intentionally aims for that naming scheme soon.
