Might be slightly off to one side, but the Pantheon workflow [pantheon.io] works quite nicely for mutating how things are put together while making sure all the data stays A-OK IME.


I actually think Global responds faster now!


It’s the standard Mastodon now dominates.


Yeah. I guess that’s down to the license. Which we of course have no standard way of signaling for a webpage yet. C’mon Internet, get with the SPDX identifiers already…


You might enjoy the opinions about ActivityPub as a standard in https://flak.tedunangst.com/post/honk-preview. They got a tool working - with a lot of wtfs and just sorting out how to deal with the silliness slung around under its name.

Yeah. They’re handy. I guess they could just be bookmarks of different flavors?


It would be convenient if, instead of needing to disassemble a URL to build the 10C API endpoint, the canonical URL of a post answered an Accept: application/json GET with the post JSON rather than the HTML.

That kind of explains the star and pin and such counts going away. It looks like the Repost post type also went away?

What’s the post “points” field about? I had no clue how to interpret or change it.


Is there an API version number / changelog anywhere?
