Yeah. Suicide by hanging in 2008. ?

ETA: Huh. Phil Ochs also hanged himself.


And then there are all the footnotes. I always felt he overused those in his valentines, too.

Textual or weechat are what I used.

Ah, and of course BBEdit does have those hooks. But it may take some hacking and shimming, like how this script for linting Python had to reformat error message location info so BBEdit would be able to parse it:


Hmm. In general, I’d expect using something like Atom to lead to fewer typos (because of language-aware autocomplete) and faster error repair (because of surfacing warnings and errors from the compiler and any linter). FWIW I found VS Code worked better than Atom for me.

You can often rig up both those things in other environments - vim has hooks and an errorlist feature, for example -, but it tends to be you having to do the rigging, rather than an easy one-and-done plugin install.


Most languages I encounter have recently put a lot of work into better error messages, with the charge having been led by Elm with Compiler Errors for Humans [], but it may be worth seeing if there’s a linter that can not only better diagnose but even automatically fix stuff like that. (Java and C++ errors were verbose enough to inspire filters to present them more clearly, but that doesn’t sound like the case here.)

Come to think, inscrutable PHP error messages were what introduced me to the phrase “Paamayim Nekudotayim” [].


Clemastine / meclastin? That’s a new one on me. Ah, sedating - those have gotten pushed into the “PM” ingredient role. I don’t know that it’s in the US market. No hits at my grocer (which does have loratadine/Claritin and Zyrtec and Benadryl and…).

JavaScript: The Good Parts or Eloquent JavaScript [] maybe, or JavaScript Allongé []? Though a cheatsheet and Mozilla Developer Network [] may be all you need.

daemontools or runit, maybe?

I run into a lot of Sqlite and Postgres with Mobile / Rails / Elixir / Rust / Haskell. I think JS and PHP communities favor more Mongo and MySQL.
