@streakmachine I don’t think sleep is all that final unless you’ve disabled WakeOverLAN and PowerNap.
@streakmachine I don’t think sleep is all that final unless you’ve disabled WakeOverLAN and PowerNap.
@matigo My daughter likes to crash the dog bed. Has actually fallen asleep on it once.
@matigo That’s how you know it was designed by people inspired by Apple. Clearly their API knows better what you want than you do.
Apple guide us. Apple teach us. Apple show us the way.
@matigo I expect everyone to treat count as a suggestion. The before/after stuff is bad news though. Have you MITM’d the official client yet to learn what it’s doing?
@matigo I keep lots of alcohol at home for the same reason. It’s pretty much a full bar at this point. Still lacking some common cocktail mixers though, like creme de cacao and benedictine, but I’ve also seen restaurant bars with similar gaps, so not too beat up about it.
@matigo The gloss for Gran Mild just below is great. As if anyone old enough to drink shouldn’t have had enough compulsory English in school by then to be able to read it.