@streakmachine It may just not handle that amount well. Declare Jubilee and clear them all out and see if it becomes usable again?
@streakmachine It may just not handle that amount well. Declare Jubilee and clear them all out and see if it becomes usable again?
@streakmachine Has your to-read queue also been getting longer over time?
@gtwilson Somehow this drama reassures me that software is no more screwed up than other fields.
@matigo Lucky thing you could be remote. You still have to entirely shift timezones, though, even from home, no? Far messier with Eastern vs Japan time than Pacific vs Eastern. :(
I make them take on the time-cost of travel, which means I’m working just 3 days these weeks on software, and burning the other two on airports and airplanes. But the weekends remain mine and my family’s, at least.
@matigo They do, thankfully. But it’s still rough on everyone. Doing what I can to keep travel to a minimum.
@matigo Ah, hmm. I run into Tumblr mostly as “we don’t want to host our own engineering blog” and as a photo/art-sharing site. I actually have never seen meaningful commenting on Tumblr, just reposts, maybe with comments in the repost.
@js have I got a lofty ambition? Oh my, yes. The project is called 10Centuries because I want the tool to be around for 1000 years, allowing us to share our ideas with people today, tomorrow, and 900 years from now. There is no reason for any human from any part of society to be forgotten in the sands of time anymore, and there is no reason why a project like this can’t encourage others to ask the same questions and work together to build a mesh of 10C-like nodes across the web that stores our information in a distributed fashion to prevent the loss of information should servers — or the people maintaining them — perish over time.
I think a lot a out time, mortality, and the words we leave behind for future generations. Perhaps too much …
// @JeremyCherfas
@matigo Sounds kinda like IPFS when you put it that way. Any chance of piggybacking on that distributed filesystem?
/@JeremyCherfas @js
@konrad I’m just glad I don’t have to write troff and eqn. And I might try using Asciidoc instead of raw troff next time I write a manpage.
(I kinda miss LaTeX though.)