@sumudu How do you carry the pencil with the iPad?
/@streakmachine @jmreekes @peemee @hybotics
@sumudu How do you carry the pencil with the iPad?
/@streakmachine @jmreekes @peemee @hybotics
@konrad I’ll take it. Your explanation sure beats me just going, “Mystery!”
/@matigo @tewha
@jmreekes I got the 10.5” Pro after mulling it over for 4-5 months. I’ve found it very useful.
Of course, I also now keep trying to use the iPad gestures on my 6 Plus. I apparently really want to use four-finger–spread rather than hitting the Home button everywhere. >.<
/@streakmachine @hybotics
@matigo I gave Pages a shot on my iPad, and it turned out to fill a need I had for some more DTP-style authoring. For anything long-form, it’d drive me batty, but it’s workable for short stuff where I want fiddly layout control.
It might also partly be that I’m rediscovering that there are written forms beyond just blog post.
@matigo That logic only works when I’m not tired or in pain. If either applies, I tend to be jerky. I’ll credit actually being aware of that to hitting 30-mumble. Maybe by 40-mumble I’ll be able to just not be a jerk, in spite of adverse circumstances. ??
@tewha Right on schedule. I swear, I spend most of my vacations sick. Body’s all, “Phew, OK to break down now, let’s do it!”
@matigo I did that in college. Wound up remembering very little and acting a royal jerk at the time. Now I aim for enough sleep each night because the people I interact with deserve better.
That doesn’t seem to be a problem you have, though. You seem to somehow manage to be sleep-deprived and kind. More power to you. :)