@phoneboy Good point. I don’t track waist circumference as closely because it’s more fiddly than the wifi-connected scale someone gifted me several years ago. I should start tracking it weekly or so.
@larand Glad it wasn’t worse. Hope you stock some good ice cream to make up for the lack of liquor. :)
@matigo Cybersocial. You’ve just widened your focus to programming the whole machine, rather than merely the bits that actually make sense. ;)
I enjoyed the one issue of Software Lead Weekly [softwareleadweekly.com] I’ve read. (Only learned of it last week.)
@phoneboy I’m eating dinner between 5-7 pm with my family. What gets eaten varies a good bit.
Mainly I suspect it’s that I’ve upped my eating to compensate for when I’m not - I’m eating enough for two people at the meal. >.<
@matigo Markdown can go back to acting as a client’s choice of frontend for HTML authoring, and stop being something 10C has to care about.
@phoneboy Meanwhile, I have learned I can maintain and even gain weight eating just once a day. So I’ll probably have to go back to trying to get this “portion” thing right again. Sneaky bodies, we hateses them.
@sumudu Huh, and it has a desiccant packet slot?
/@streakmachine @jmreekes @peemee @hybotics