@kdfrawg On the software side, Agda, Idris, Lean, and even Eiffel and Erlang are different approaches to building correct and/or resilient systems by giving programmers good tools to do so from the get-go and baking their use into the whole platform. They’re all still pretty niche. (And that might be overstating their adoption.)

Rust seems to be doing rather well though, and it aims square at low-level systems and network programming. Hoping it replaces C++ for new dev.


@kdfrawg seL4.systems


That’s what Intel tried with Itanium, no? VLIW architecture that could take full advantage of having an optimizing compiler rather than expecting a human asm programmer. Fell hard on its face AFAIK.


@kdfrawg It’s online thinking space. You can thank us all later. ;)

Huh. I’ve been on Feedly free for years now. Chugging along without me having to pay or maintain anything. ??‍♀


I don’t even begin to understand it. I’m on gigabit fiber. It’s just rubbish.

FWIW that’s generally DNS hijacking on their part. You can go into network or router settings and aim it at not-TimeWarner-DNS and avoid that BS. (For now, anyway.)


They added a “undo pledges you canceled last week” flow especially in response to this. Wow.

I’m in a better place now than when I was using them, both for me & the folks I was supporting, so mine’ll stay canceled.


@kdfrawg You’ve got this dinner thing in the bag. :)

That sure is what it sounds like. Wonder if their platform costs are too high. The AWS Tax?
