Oh wow. So it was all there and just being horribly retrieved. šŸ¤¦šŸ½


Moving to caching the query results qualifies as a trick to me. šŸ˜† So much of performance tuning can be very sensitive to access patterns like that.

Did you create a table and keep it up to date with triggers, or would a materialized view be workable?


What was the trick? Just better use of what was already there?


oh good it wasnā€™t just me. I was confused at being signed our everywhere recently, too.

Edit: Ah. I should really read their blog. šŸ˜Š https://github.blog/2021-03-08-github-security-update-a-bug-related-to-handling-of-authenticated-sessions/

just swap the magnet holding the backup floppy to the filing cabinet for a pushpin and the bulletin board and call it solved, eh?


Weird - somehow that didnā€™t turn into a mention for me.

Edit: Checked in Nice to make sure it wasnā€™t my client. Also not a mention there. šŸ¤”

Three kids! The middle one turns 4 on Friday. The other two will turn 2 and 7 in August.

Itā€™s good. I think on balance the most continually startling thing is the constant changes in everything. As an adult, I could basically freeze my world - routine, environment, habitsā€¦ But with young kids, all that is in flux all the time. (OK, maybe less so routine, but actually carrying out steps like ā€œget everyone fedā€ and ā€œget everyoneā€™s teeth brushedā€ has a lot more unknowns and curve balls than it has any right to. šŸ˜‚)


TBH I pretty much only notice fans with the video call apps and certain more intensive compilation steps. And weirdly sometimes when Jira or Gcal have been up in a tab for a few days and seem to somehow start eating 100% CPU.

Do you know of anything particular about an Electron app that makes it any more resource-intensive than a browser and its tab? Or a standalone browser?


Iā€™m doing good. Iā€™m in basically the same situation as a couple years ago but with one more kid.


Typical Markdown behavior. Iā€™d need to look up how to disable it. My guess would be a prefixed backslash though.

