Nope. Not touching them at all, not looking at them at all. Change the type whenever you want. :)

You use a form that supports the neck / position the newborn relative to the fabric so they have some support. Check out the "Ideal Positioning" photo here:


I'm a big fan of this style carrier:

Here's a video of how to use it with a newborn (one-month-old here):

Yeah, I sorted out that I confused myself - I've been referring to the thread.reply_to post as the "parent" of replies. I'm tending towards calling the parent of a repost the "original post" instead.

Reposts right now have their own ID, date, and content. I've been showing them as themselves and ignoring the parent entirely till now, when I've been trying to sort out Interactions. I even can pin the reposts themselves, and they display fine in Macchiato as independently-pinned posts.

Baby wearing can help with that.

Not sure what to make of this, but Cappuccino seems to have collapsed two of my pins into a single one. I red-pinned both reposts of Larand's one about AWS's status board dying because of its S3 dependency, but Cappuccino shows only the first one (nitinkhanna's) and not the second (joeo10's). It also doesn't show the red bar to indicate pin color alongside the repost.

I'm guessing it never expected anyone to interact directly with the repost, just the parent post?

How do I distinguish a post that is a reply to a post from a post that is a repost of a post?

No rush. No-one but me has found it worth mentioning / noticed it so far. When I fix Macchiato to act more like Cappuccino for repost display, the issue will be worked around there, too.

@kdfrawg I'm planning to get an iPad in the next few months, but that's because I think it'll slot in where my laptop won't (because not as usable while roaming and watching kids) and my phone doesn't cut it (because too small a display and input surface). I might turn out to be wrong, too, but I'm betting it edges out my phone for a lot of stuff around the house in the evening.


Oh, it does affect 10C's rendering if you visit the post directly:
