Just keep cropping those photos. ;)

Thanks! First one was almost 48 h of labor, so we're definitely hoping for an easier go this time. ?

Thanks! That's a nice bonus for that day. :)

Woke to John Jacob Niles stuck in my head. Guess I know what album I'm digging out when I head to work.

Papa, papa papa, have you brought gold, for to pay that hangman's fee? Or did you come to see me swinging, swinging, high from that hangman's tree? High from that hangman's tree?

Betting tomorrow is labor and 3/3 early morning is baby bday. Now to sleep.

Really need to get Share Extension on schedule for Macchiato now that Jupp and ADN will be failing me soon. :(

Or my microblog CGI thing I thought about but never hacked into lifeā€¦

I remember using 3.1 without a mouse. And I remember it being hugely frustrating. I preferred the command prompt to the Windows shell. :\


Ah. Makes sense.

// @skematica

What is a good third-party tool for that? And are people still using Colibri?

?? Glad it's working now!

Expecting a baby anydaynownoreally, so might be a tch longer delay before the next post than usual. ?
