I can't pull off speaking Esperanto any more due to lost vocabulary and details of cx-/ki- classifiers and such (last really poked at it in, uh, 2000-2001?), but reading it is totally doable. It's such a marvelously organized language. :)


Nothing on their homepage. What's up with them?

// @skematica

Yum, everything matzo with pimento cheese spread for snack.

Yeah. I'd go with build vs perform there.

Probably Lojban.

Interesting! Closest thing I've had is gravy-bread.




It's "What Lord of the Rings character are you?" but gussied up to take in money.


Welcome to the mans. You have totes arrived.

Life now, in a nutshell:

Mom: "I just want to go sleep in a dark room by myself."

Toddler: "No, I don't WANT you to sleep in a room by yourself!"