Before I read the article, I was going to say something about cultural Christians and the downsides of infant baptism, but that's not quite where that article went. ;)

I'm more thinking "wolves in sheep's clothing".


That's too bad. :(

We abandoned HP inkjets for a Brother laser five or so years ago, and it's been fabulous to know I can print when I need to without having to baby the poor widdle (expiring, finicky, expensive) ink cartridges along.

But that is mostly due to the tech difference of inkjet vs laser, so I bet you'll be about as happy with any laser, and happier than with any inkjet.

One add-on I love is a double-sided attachment that replaces the need to flip a stack into the right orientation manually. Painless double-sided printing!

// @kdfrawg

Or just use a bubble, but make it black instead of that very distracting red. :)

I've been using one for a while. I like being able to customize shape and thickness sometimes. Other times, I'm annoyed I need to, and just want something more readily squishy. But so far, I think I like it more than most pillows; I find I prefer firmer most of the time, anyway, so it's a good fit for that.


Whole wheat pancakes with blueberries for breakfast. Red lentil pancakes with queso for lunch. Pizza salad for dinner. Yay Saturday!

Ooh, that one!

Oh yeah. I more meant that Cappuccino always needs those thumbs, so I figured you'd maybe generate them on image upload. Probably doesn't matter a ton either way with caching though.


Oof. That sounds uncomfortable!

I just assumed they'd be sized-to-fit for Cappuccino - that it's be pulling thumbnails rather than the full avatar image. But the large size is fine as the standard avatar image. Having more sizes just means more complexity in asking for them…


When I was peeping avatar images, they're all sizes already - some are like 768x720, others more like 256x234. They get smooshed down to (aspect) fit in the 72x72 or so square right now. But the actual image is often far larger, and not a thumbnail.
