@kdfrawg Yup! I'll announce when it's ready. :)


Nice! Location, location, location, though. Your note to self at the end is key. ;)


Hmm. I should put together a 10C Markdown cheatsheet. Good idea.


Try ircd-ratbox or ircd-hybrid.


If you have a team of ten or fewer, on-premises Hipchat with their trial license works a charm. Used that (and set up and adminned it) for my last project.

Nearest hit in my mental index is IRCCloud [irccloud.com].


Recommend developing a screenlocking nervous tic. ;)

Oh wow. I thought I had a renderer bug, but instead, I'm faithfully rendering the 10C HTML here, sup tags in code font and all.




I do. Just not wired in. Along with a bajillion other endpoints I know about well enough to use from curl. :\
