Uh-oh. I very often think in terms of lists with sublists at least a couple deep. I think I've tripped over that a few times already. But, hey - makes my rendering easier!

Does this differ for blogpost Markdown, too?


Ah, OK. I'm focused on blurb rendering for now, so I'm just going to skip headers. >.>

OK, I cannot induce Cappuccino to format a sublist no matter how I try. , any tips?

BTW, all I have left in my HTML rendering work is:

  • preformatted text (used with code displays only, I think)
  • ordered lists
  • unordered lists
  • image tags

Hmm, and editing is borked in Cappuccino under Firefox. :( So my screwy bullet lists will have to stay that way. (I can never get Cappuccino to handle sublists properly. :( )

Got a tiny bit of time to work on Macchiato tonight:

  • Investigated HTML generated by Markdown headers.
  • None for blurbs.
  • Horizontal rules become <hr />.

  • Added support for rendering:

  • horizontal rule
  • break
  • hash tags
  • mentions

TIL: 10C blurb Markdown doesn't do headers. But it does do horizontal rules!

Worbing veers lankage.


Look at what GitHub or GitLab use and steal. ;)


Well, here's a static view [static.panoramio.com], and here's drone video from above [youtu.be] for a better sense of scale than the ground-level shot can provide.

// @kdfrawg