Our patchwork of a system means you'll find very few universals. My insurance pays one rate for in-network care and another for out-of-network, but both options are available to me. Other insurance arrangements are different. A starting point for looking into this would be contrasting a HMO vs a PPO.


I'll give it another look. Last I looked, accesses also needed to occur on appropriate threads, not just changes, IIRC. But yeah, not at all a CoreData fan, so the stuff it drops sounds like a plus.

The task is handy for cancellation. You need some handle to the operation to do that.

The request does often feel like overkill when you just need a URL and a GET, but it gets more handy in more complex cases. And it's useful to be able to validate you built the request correctly independently of dispatching it when testing.

In practice, if I'm making URL requests from the middle of something not all about that, I'm doing something wrong, so all the Web integration gets pushed to the edges and out of sight.

It would also mean finding and customizing a Markdown library, or writing my own, vs having a ready-made XML parser to build on.


The text field means I need to reproduce all the 10C quirks. Like this leaving in the stars. Or mismatched bullet types doing funky stuff. Or trying triple-tilde code fences causing a tilde, newline, struck-through text, newline, and the a lonesome final tilde.

Had an hour to poke at Macchiato. I think I'm going to parse Jason's HTML and then convert it into string markup, rather than parsing the Markdown; that lets me leverage the framework's XML parser (because it looks like it's XHTML that's coming out) and also render 10C Markdown as faithfully as I can.

Or: Signals you have been doing a LOT of AWS admin. ;)

Gestures are super discoverable. >.>


Re: Alamofire, I think you've just described how I use URLRequest. ;)

Almost no code, just a ton of fiddly Interface Builder clicky-clicky! Heh.

I really do miss bindings whenever I need a "show this when this bool is true and hide it when it's not" sort of thing, though. (Hi, progress inndicators.)
