User-resizable windows! Chaos! ;)

Browser notifications work now, though.

(I get spammed by them from GitLab CI as coworkers revise their merge requests. ;)

A single-site browser and a caching proxy seems like a lot less trouble to get roughly the same results?

I'm partly playing devil's advocate, especially with the proxy bit, but also genuinely scratching my head. Those seem slim advantages. I'd want something that you really can't do in Webland…

What would a native Mac app do that a Web app doesn't, that would be so much better than the Web app?

I never figured that out for ADN either. I found a place in my life for a CLI app (wry for ADN), as a "I'm working but want to fire off a quick remark without getting distracted by reading" utility, but Nice obliterated any desire for a native app for me. And before that, I used Cauldron, which was only kinda-sorta-native.

I used chrome-ssb (for "single-site browser") once, when I wanted Hangouts in its own app for chat. But I now find I just run all of Chrome, Safari, and Firefox simultaneously for different needs. >.> And I really don't want another app in my Cmd-Tab app switcher.

iOS programming now uses half the files it did before, thanks to the change in programming language used. Understanding how everything comes together takes a while, though.

Lots of reusable code between Mac and iOS.

Macchiato Tonight:

Busy day IRL, so just a bit of coding time at EOD. I made it count, though. :D

I found they weigh on me after a while. I've moved many that I expect I will never read to the sell/donate pile.

I believe it. Didn't seem to last terribly long, but, yeesh. Amateurish.

That's amazing, though. Nowhere I've lived (Missouri, Florida, Georgia) has ever had anything so elaborate and complete. The best I ever got was a sample ballot in the mail.

Georgia seems to prefer misinformation - we had an active lawsuit about misleading ballot language this go around related to some sneaky stuff with schools.