@sumudu Doesn’t surprise me. Google Meet support has also been all over the map for browsers - it’s only consistent in Chrome.
I guess similar can be said of Sign In with Apple and Apple Pay only working in Safari.
@sumudu Doesn’t surprise me. Google Meet support has also been all over the map for browsers - it’s only consistent in Chrome.
I guess similar can be said of Sign In with Apple and Apple Pay only working in Safari.
@sumudu I used them when they were still called appear.in. Worked pretty well then.
@JeremyCherfas It’d too bad - SoundJam MP was pretty good back in the day. But what they’ve made of it now…
@variablepulserate There were definitely restrictions, but they were late and the messaging kept being “nope definitely not a public health emergency, please move on” in most places. The disinformation had interesting effects, apparently.
Not knowing whom or what to believe, people also lost trust in one another. They became alienated, isolated. Intimacy was destroyed. “You had no school life, you had no church life, you had nothing,” a survivor recalled. “People were afraid to kiss one another, people were afraid to eat with one another.” Some people actually starved to death because no one would deliver food to them.
/@matigo @phoneboy
@matigo ‘The regulator is also ordering Google not to alter the indexing, classification, or presentation of "protected content"—e.g. French news articles—in its search results.’ They’re trying to foreclose deindexing and retroactively force payment. Of course I could see Google negotiating, making that retroactive payment, and then shutting it down once the terms of the decree are satisfied. Probably while arguing to a court that this is bollocks.
@variablepulserate Could also be a font issue. Someone’s recently developed a Garamond-inspired font. A couple examples:
@matigo IIRC there’s a browser extension that uses the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary to map word to phonetics and then goes from there to Shavian. Pretty good piece of work!
@matigo It was probably the first time they’d read the sales contract, too. >.>
@sumudu TOTP - time-based one-time password - is pretty great, as long as you don’t run into clock drift. That’s where one side thinks it’s now 12:03, the other thinks it’s 12:05, and codes are only good for say 30 seconds. Turns out most TOTP clients aren’t set up to let you answer “ok but what is the code as of this specific timestamp (vs just now), since that’s the time my server currently thinks it is?” (Learned that one the hard way when I almost locked myself out of my NAS.)
@matigo Agreed. My favorite is when the frontend and backend disagree on password validation. Serious user confusion there. (I have a screenshot of the USPS site pulling that one on me.)