@matigo Yay!
@sumudu You can use both online:
They’re open source, not polished apps.
@sumudu OmniGraffle is the heavyweight on Mac and iOS. Graphviz, PlantUML, and Mermaid are textual alternatives for describing graphs, systems, and sequences, respectively. Mermaid appears to have Gantt chart support.
@whoisashygirl I’m a big fan of kicking off updates at end of day. Poke it along after dinner. Wake up to a functioning computer that Spotlight has finished indexing.
@JeremyCherfas I’ve used Firefox as my main browser since forever. I have only run into one very well advertised and intentional extension breakage. It was when they cut over to the more Chrome-like extension model vs the more freewheeling add-on system of the past. I had a lot of warning, and could have switched to an Extended Support Release or a fork if I didn’t want to go along with the change.