@streakmachine Nope. Definitely UTF-8. UTF-16 seemed like a good idea up til we added astral plane characters, then it got stupid, and all the UCS-2 stuff that predates that and UTF-16 started choking on stuff again.
@streakmachine Nope. Definitely UTF-8. UTF-16 seemed like a good idea up til we added astral plane characters, then it got stupid, and all the UCS-2 stuff that predates that and UTF-16 started choking on stuff again.
@gtwilson One of the big things C still has going for it IMO is all the excellent tooling built around it. So much good stuff that doesn't exist for other languages, even when those languages share the same problems.
/@streakmachine @kdfrawg
@gtwilson UBSan can kinda do that, I think. Maybe also Valgrind? And then there's tisinterpreter.
@kdfrawg Hmm, wait, maybe it recovered this time? It seemed to load all the posts in the thread just now!
/@matigo @streakmachine @gtwilson
@kdfrawg Hah. I have words for C. Mostly in the form of same great posts by John Regehr.
But now we have exceeded 10C's ability to handle long threads again, so this conversation just became unfollowable, especially with the load older bug on top of it.
@matigo these two things are breaking 10C for discussion for me. :(
/@streakmachine @gtwilson
@larand The city should hire him. And then every city should follow their lead.
@kdfrawg The distraction from discomfort can be very welcome. I've wished I was working at times during my illness. Also lets me hide in my quiet, sane office. What's not to love?
/@larand @gtwilson
@gtwilson C does, and then people do reads of uninitialized data by the pound…
@gtwilson The syntax and gofmt are two of the strong points of the language. I keep collecting opinions on go, and this recent one strikes me as one of the most balanced: https://www.barrucadu.co.uk/posts/etc/2016-08-25-three-months-of-go.html