Yup, using it to write this reply.

Son is now sick with slight fever and fell asleep a few hours early. Might wake early too. Time to sleep!

Busy afternoon. Grandma took son to zoo with niece, so wife and I cleared out master bedroom and got to work. She did drywall around doorway while I beat out plaster around windows. Finished that, she measured rough openings to order replacement windows (that will be substantially larger and not painted shut), and then had a good time cleaning up all the plaster dust and chunks everywhere.

Great progress. Like 3 or more preschool mornings worth. ;)

Who here uses iOS and would be interested in using my client?

(Pay no attention to how it's currently showing up as "Demo3" in Cappuccino. ;)

I'm currently not an iOS Dev program member myself, but could set that up to eventually be able to push builds by TestFlight if folks were interested.

I don't have any blog posts myself, no.

The sys-statistics page seems to be reporting bandwidth usage for 2017 through 2022. ?

/content/list is reporting an invalid endpoint in Admin. Weird, though - if I tick the Include Social box, it works fine. Turn that off, it fails again.

@kdfrawg It will never be easier than today!

Woo, sent my first reply! Need to wire up most of the other post actions to the backend, and then this clunky client will be basically fully ugly-functional.

One of my co-workers has all syntax coloring disabled because of a visual thing where colors cause text to appear to pop off the page and float around.

I nearly have it disabled - mine is all muted grays, with keywords especially visually ducked so my own stuff stands out. I got tired of the "rainbow word salad" effect a few years ago and settled on a much more muted appearance after that.

I also have Xcode set up to use a proportional width font, but that's probably a bridge too far for most people. ;)

(And doesn't work in terminals, because they expect to treat the screen as a character matrix.)