Yay! :D

Please try logging in with this new build 2. I think I figured out the problem, but since it's an integration issue with 10C, I didn't have a good way to test it ready to hand.

Please try the long-press again on your iPad with build 2. I think you'll find it's fixed. :)

New Post: New Release: 1.0 (2) - 2017-01-16 [macchiato.10centuries.org]

Build 2 is processing. When the App Store is done digesting, I'll send it live. Assuming I'm not in bed first.

@lechindianer What's cooking in the next Hotchpotch? :)

@lechindianer Woo! You made it!

I feel like I'm looking at a miniature landscape.

Invite should be on its way.

That just means it'll be a bit spendier than usual to upgrade to the next iOS. ;)


Working Copy is a great tool to have at hand.