Huh, that was supposed to post as a page at Which apparently already exists as a contact form. (Where that contact form goes for email, I don't know! Yet.)

It's mostly a win for stuff that takes a long time to cook otherwise - some veggies, legumes, meats. Also good at driving flavor of stock into veggies, noodles, and tofu.


Steelcut oats cook for 2 minutes at high pressure. Vs like 40 min on the hob.


Whoah, busy here now! And feeling the lack of profile page and follow support in Macchiato at last. :)

We recently got a pressure cooker, and found a great recipe that makes delicious coconut steelcut oats in a jiff. Before this, steelcut took way too long to cook to be useful to us, but this was quick and delicious.

Not yet implemented. I think it used to pop up an alert to that effect.

Not much reason to sink any further effort in the ADN bit, I guess. :(

I'm still using my early prototype, but haven't had any personal coding time at my laptop in a couple months, so it's on ice.

It really is nice to use a native client, though.


Looks very Google-y.

Oh no! Hope you feel better.

What does it mean to collect a member, pray tell?

// @kdfrawg