@kdfrawg Knock. Pool. Lose. Archery is just full of fun for English spelling! ;)


For more information, please reread.

No Vimto at nearest Publix. Just Ribena. So I pivoted and came back with Idris ginger beer and IrnBrū. Never had either before. They're chilling now.


View as doesn't matter. Keep an eye on size classes though; you want to stick to Any:Any 99% of the time. You can see how something looks on multiple device sizes and orientations at once by showing the Assistant Editor and picking an option from there, Preview I think. That lets you add a bunch of devices, rotate them, and switch localization. You can then preview changes across devices easily.


FWIW it would be more usual to use a login view controller, and then you can use UIViewController.present(_:animated:completion:). This also has the advantage of adapting better to use on iPad - what was a fullscreen modal on phone can automatically become a form modal on iPad.


Reread. Thought it was same size, not width. For width, you can just add an equal width constraint. But you will also want to pin its position somehow as well. Let constraint ambiguity warnings be your guide! ;)


View controller hierarchy is parallel to view hierarchy. I'm guessing you mean to put another view inside a view controller's main view. For that, add it as subview, disable TAMiC, and establish autolayout constraints between its edges and its superview's, then activate those constraints. (You can probably just change out the view for that other view instead, though.)

A few useful command line tools:

  • ag: clever file/line finding, like find and grep fused together
  • jq: json querying and pretty printing
  • gron: transform json to be more usefully grepped by encoding path through structure with each value (and back)
  • peco: interactive grepping; refine query and see results change in real time, and make a selection to send on down the pipe

Hmm. Now I'll have to give it another listen. When I checked my prosody with the semicolons vs an outright question, the question pitch is noticeably higher than the "sentence isn't done yet" pitch. Wondering now how the uptalk compares to those two tones.
