I definitely miss that on mobile. There, I preload with “peek” before deciding what to do with it.

I had an extension for Safari back when those worked that would show destinations on hover in a transient label where the status bar would otherwise be, which was the perfect compromise for me.


Communicating loading status is less important in the broadband era than the dial-up.


Ah, it’s no longer in the base image. 👍🏽 Homebrew and MacPorts have that covered with more regular updates and more support, so seems a good move.


I didn’t think there was ever first-party support for PHP on macOS?


Primary sources come first. I also will source dive / reverse engineer / conformance test stuff as needed.



I love when this happens: https://reddit.com/r/shorthand/comments/i0609r/transcriptionhelp1880_letter/

Well-posed transcription request with all the info you’d want, relevant primary materials proactively shared, and then a satisfying ID of a system I’ve never seen in the wild before.

Good thing I collect oddball Pitmanic systems. 😂

So heat as in grow lamp, got it.


Maybe he’ll trade for a cup of coffee? >.>
