@variablepulserate Shh, don’t encourage them. ;)
/@hazardwarning @indigo
@joeo10 Thanks for the article. Not really surprised they’re headed back to China.
@joeo10 I figured, but that’s a lot less entertaining than the “Taiwanese flag crashes iOS when phone set to Chinese” beep SNAFU.
@joeo10 Beep = Chinese? Or is this that thing where Chinese OSs beep out “Taiwan”? ?
@matigo Ah, here’s what I had in mind - the B series varies noticeably from not-Japan’s:
/@JeremyCherfas @hazardwarning
@matigo But you do roll with those funky Japanese paper sizes, no?
/@JeremyCherfas @hazardwarning
@matigo It looks, uh, familiar.
Menu mnemonics complete that vintage feel.
Really not a fan of Tango icons, though. :\
@hazardwarning Check paper sizes of both the Word document and the printer options. That sounds kinda like some of my problems with mixing A4 and US Letter.